+91 999 300 0037 info@adazzleunicare.com 13-Press Complex, 201, AB Road, Indore

Director’s Message

Adazzle Unicare's Director Message

Creating high value products is our joy. We continuously work hard to create new values to satisfy our customers.

We are a value making company specializing in cleanliness and beauty.

Based on our Corporate Mission Statement of “Make People and Society Beautiful”, we are a company committed to beautification of people and our surroundings.

We are a company whose mission is to make our customers happy, surprised, and astonished with our services and manufacturing expertise.

Since our foundation as a company, we have expanded our business to the manufacturing of cosmetic and healthcare products, thanks in part by the support and guidance of our customers.

We actively pursue every investment to create best-selling products and to proactively meet the customers’ expectations in the entire market.


Karan Mandloi


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